This morning I took my two youngest girls out to go to first five for a fun daddy class. However, it was closed

But that wasn’t a big deal, we were close to where I grew up so we took a picture in front of the house I grew up in
and then went to the donut shop and got donuts.

Anyway, how does this have to do with anything about farming, or my homesite, or anything that is put on this blog. One thing I am constantly trying to remind myself of is Cater to the one. As in programs and rules are good for most days, but some days, you need to make individuals feel special. Take exception, probably every exception to the rule that you can to take care of people. I always think I don’t have time to take some time out of my day to take care of ‘X’ (play a game with kids, stop a project for a coworker, spend some time with a friend). But every time I do, things still work out.
If I become successful with my many ventures I will pursue soon, I do not want to forget this. I think this is more important than marketing or good products. Being a good person, taking care of another. I watched this video this week,
If you watch this, (spoiler alert…. Can you spoil a goalcast?) the man misses visiting his father in the hospital before his death because he didn’t think it would matter if he came a little later. He didn’t weigh his options and decide not to visit him, it didn’t even cross his mind that it would be important to drop everything and go. He wished he had thought of that and would have left everything to visit his dying father. I do not want to get so caught up in life that I do not even see opportunities that I may miss. And I don’t want to miss the opportunity to see/help someone in their time of need.
I guess it’s part of the reason Hannah and I adopted 3 kids, is because we want to be the kind of people that help people. It has been anything but convenient or fun. But it helps us make a way of life of helping others.

(This picture is over 3 years old. Look how youthful we all looked 🙂 )
Just to sum up, nothing has happened with my land, beauacracy is too strong, and weather too rainy to do anything. But I have had some time to reflect on who I am, and what I want to do.
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