New Truck:
Meet the newest addition to the Fox Family Farm. It doesn’t have a name, but Over Christmas I went and bought a 6 seater 2007 Toyota Tundra. It was a fair deal, not a great one or awful. Just fair. Now if I need I can pull a trailer full of trees, rocks or maybe an RV (we don’t have one of those… yet)

New Dreams:
Contra Costa County recently changed their boat storage regulations. Boat Storage now must be within a mile of a boat launch. My property is within a mile of Orwood’s launch. I’ve been doing research on boat/rv storage and it seems fairly lucrative. I don’t want to sacrifice my dream of an olive oil orchard. But I have 5 acres here. Perhaps if I do 1 acre for RV/boat storage, I can do the other 4 for olives. I plan to start small with this and see if there really is a market.
However, everyone we talk to wants to store their RVs with us. Seems like there is a market for it, and Contra Costa only made that market harder to enter. If anyone has advice/recommendations/thoughts, I’d welcome them!

New Job:
I was recently hired at Rad Power Bikes as a senior data engineer. I’m too young to be a senior, right? Maybe not (more on how young I’m not, later)… I’m pretty excited to work here. Also one of their perks is a free Bike of theirs. Since I have 2 little girls (less little) I decided on the RadWagon

It seems like a great bike to try out with kids. I can have both of them ride on the back of it. It weighs nearly 80 pds and goes 20 mph. I’m excited to try it out and bike the girls into town for the Farmer’s market, or church or something.
New Tradition:
We went up to a friend’s cabin in Calaveras County last week. The same time I I started my new job. It was a lot of fun sledding.
Here are some excerpts from our trip:
And visiting caves

And giant sequoias

But it turns out that I am getting a little older. I jumped out the back of the bed of the truck (recently purchased) and somehow my left ankle swelled up a ton. It didn’t particularly hurt, and I hardly noticed till I took off my sock.
It was so much fun, and we are very grateful to the family that lets us use their cabin every year. Our hope is to visit the snow as a family every year.
New Trees
I’m nearly ready to plant my olive oil orchard. I’ve been working with NovaVine and they have an order in for me to buy 600 trees.

I’m still looking for an orchard installer and irrigation installer. If you know of any, please let me know (don’t use the comments I’ve turned them off due to spammers). I’m pretty excited to start my dream. I just made my first payment on the trees. Yikes!