With longer hair than before 🙂

It’s been several months before I have been able to blog. I have some news on the property that I would like to share with anyone who is reading this. I’m planning on planting trees this winter. I don’t know if it will be all the trees, but it will be a good number at least 60-100.
A cry for help
I’m looking for someone who can help me design my “out-building” I’m looking for a 30×40 structure with a loft. It will likely be steel due to the cost of wood. So far I need plans before I can find someone to build it. Perhaps there is someone who designs and builds, but so far I do not have any luck.
Also, Hannah and I are thinking about turning some of our land into RV/boat storage parking. We are starting to research it, but would love some sage advice on the prospect of it.
Tree Planning
I have various olive books, multiple text books on Olive oil production all from University of California
- Olive Production Manual (1994)
- Olive Production manual (2004)
- Organic Olive Production Manual (2017)
And a more fun read:

There is a lot of information on how to grow and cultivate them. I settled on a triangle diagram with the trees offset and 15’ apart from its nearest neighbors. At that rate it is roughly 194 trees per acre. If I do 4 acres that’s roughly 800 trees. Since this is more Agritourism, I could probably get away with 3 acres. Who knows…. Anyway I’ll get my feet wet with 100 trees or so this year.
Anyone know how to irrigate an orchard? I sure don’t. But I do know I shouldn’t plant trees before I have the watering setup. Irrigation comes first in my mind. Luckily, I reached out to a firm that does agricultural irrigation. Although these guys haven’t called me in a while so I need to ask them again for assistance. IDC supply recommended a main pvc pipe running the length of my land and laterals going out to the side. All on drip emitters.
Renewed excitement

I spoke with a lady at NovaVina who was very kind and helpful on the topic of Olives. For those who don’t know, your olive oil can be either
- mono-cultivar: from a single variety
- Blend: from many olives
She recommended I find an oil that comes from a mono-cultivar that “sets my mouth on fire” and then she can recommend complementary trees. Initially there won’t be enough olives to make a mono-cultivar. And also, if I grow what I like, even if I do not sell it. At least I have what I like. She was kind enough to recommend a list of olive oils that I could purchase from Olive Oil Lovers. Now I have over $200 in oil to taste out.
Also, if you are in the area, please come taste the oil. I’d love to know other’s thoughts.

Very interested. Looking forward to tasting and learning.