Tree planting happening!
I’m finally putting trees in the ground! But why should i get all the fun/joy of planting a tree. I’m throwing a party to let anyone who wants to come and plant as many trees as they would like.

Designing a multi-varietal orchard
My orchard is not going to be a traditional olive orchard. I am trying to shove as many varieties as I can into my land. My dream is to allow others to create their own blends of olive oil. I needed to map out where all the trees would be going. I have this list of trees and their harvest season.

If you do the math, that is over 1000 trees!! I’ve been under contract to order these for over a year. I’m excited to work on it!
I’d like to cluster similar seasoned trees together. I ended up doing them in a row because the seasonality science is not great. Plus it seems you can harvest olives for oil more generally. Ones for table olives need to be harvested more specifically I think.
And then I mapped it out on my land

A Cry for help
Honestly I’m not really sure what I’m doing here. I believe this will be the best way to plant olive trees and won’t mess with pollination. If you have ideas/suggestions, or know someone who has done something similar, I’d love to chat with them!
As a safeguard I’m planting double of all my varietals. After about 3-5 years I’ll change where they are if I need to and sell off whatever I do not need. They are going in the ground every 9 ft in rows, and 18 ft between rows. That way in the end they’ll be 18’ apart from one another.
I’m proud of you, Ben. Gigi would be impressed.
Olive trees wouldn’t work on our land in VA, but we have fruit trees (peach, pear, apple, cherry, fig, and blueberry and elderberry bushes. )