Foxes have holes, but the Son of man hath no where to lay his head…. For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am Known
This Easter time I’m going to post with more religious overtones. It’s who I am 😊
Foxes Have Holes…:
This Fox does not have his own hole. He has a rented hole. One he has rented for nearly two years now! This cute little being wasn’t even alive when I began this process:
My “hole” will be delivered this coming week because the place that is storing the home will not be able to allow me to get it for a couple months due to construction on a highway. Reminds me of verse in a hymn.
“Keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see,
The distant scene. One step enough for me.”
Also, I’ve heard it said that you need to take that one step into the dark, and then the light will move to show you the way. I hope that is the case with this.

My home will be delivered on a rock pad, and I’m working to have the county be ok with that…
I’ve run out of time for the day. Here’s my update on everything:
- Power:
It is coming and the transformer will be in around May 5th 2019
- Septic:
I’m wholly in charge of this and requesting an extension on my permit. I won’t get it done before it expires because it’s been rainy so long. But As soon as my land is disced and dry I will get it done
- Well:

As soon as I have my permit and know my necessary water rate I will get a pump in and probably a pad just so I know where it is. It took me a very long time to find it.
- Foundation:
I think I finally have this one figured out. A rock pad is sufficient, and to quote the Geotech who took about 5 months to finally help me. He said:
“Risk in geotechnical hazards will always exist due to uncertainties if geologic conditions and the unpredictability of seismic activity in the Bay Area. However, in our opinion, based on available data, there is no indications of geotechnical hazards that would preclude use of the site for proposed development.”
i.e. do whatever you want. About time!
- Aquaponics
I’m 6 weeks in to my 8 week aquaponics course and loving it. I really think Fresh Organic Express has a potential to be a viable business for me. I can’t wait to get to it. And I’d love to find some old run down Greenhouse framing if anyone knows of any
- Hugelkultur

I heard about HugelKultur from a friend. But it does seem interesting, and when I have time I will look further into it.
That’s about all I have time for. Next week will be more exciting I am sure. I’ll attempt to take lots of pictures of my home being put on the lot. I hope the county doesn’t mind.
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