If you are wondering how my home business is going, read another post… nothing agricultural happened for us in Feb 2021.
Here are some songs that went through my head while writing this post:
Fall out Boy : Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Maroon 5: Memories
One Voice Choir: Memories (Maroon 5 cover)
Marie Kondo KonMarie Method
Marie Kondo is a Japanese Organizing consultant. She has a show that is on netflix as well as a book out about her method titled The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Hannah borrowed the book from a friend back in December and we’ve been slowly working through it all. I’ve been dragging my feet a little bit. But look at the results!

I wish I had a before pic… but I don’t think I do, but it was a mouse infested, spider web filled scary place before. I would hold my breath and try to get in and out of my shed as quickly as possible. Now I enjoy going there and am trying to work from home more in there.
It has also had me go through my memories box that I have had for over 10 years. I saved every piece of mail from my 2 year mission. Every piece! Why? I’m not sure. Also there were “notes” back from church when I was 14.

Hannah also went through her memory box. It was a lot smaller than mine. We found medals of hers and ours. Our kids didn’t know we were so “distinguished” 😊

We have been going through the whole house and finding things that “bring joy” and keeping them, or getting rid of them!

We even cleaned out the whole fridge! We had some good helpers.

Family Valentines
For Valentines, Hannah made me some cookies that were equal parts delicious and pretty. She also made a beautiful spread of a charcuterie board.

We also heart attacked the neighbor girl who is having a rough start in life. She is 4 and plays really well with Thea (5) and Isla (3)

Home-school / Adventures
Although the pandemic is still going strong in CA during february, Isla and Thea don’t seem to notice at all. They’ve had adventures:
- Finding lady bugs in Oakland
- Doing yoga
- Thea reading 1000 words!
- Learning about Skeletons
- Making belts from palm trees

Also, we have loved having good friends with Orange trees who let us come pic and keep the orange juice flowing.

Thanks Lori and Mark!
Future pool?
We are contemplating getting a large above ground saltwater pool. I used my dad’s old scales to draw out my backyard to scale. It was nice to work with paper and lay out the pool in different configurations. Stay tuned for that excitement

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