My meter doesn’t look like this currently 😊
I believe it’s required to listen to country when you move out into the country. This is the song for the “progress” this week.
Not Moved in Yet
Still not allowed to move in to the home. There is yet another catch 22. In order to get my electricity to my home, I need to “final” on my home inspection. To “final” on my home inspection I need to have done everything else like test my fire sprinklers. I cannot test the fire sprinklers without power to the well (it takes a lot since it’s a 3HP pump) and power to my house to ring the bell. So I’m stuck!
Contra Costa County can see reason
The knowledgeable inspector that I have worked with said that typically power is run to the well and backfed to the house to power the bell. However, I’m working with a difficult guy at PG&E who told me he will not install a meter unless I have both meter releases. He spoke with his manager and got it approved that I could get power without a final! It was very nice of him.
However… he went on vacation the next day
2 Meters was a good idea?
When I set up this process I was recommended to get 2 meters set up. 1 for my house, and 1 for my well. This way I could be charged a lower tier for all my well water.
However, PG&E needs an address for every meter installed. I have an address for both my well and my house, but I didn’t have it when I applied for the well permit. So PG&E got 2 meter releases for 21 Learning lane. Not 21 and 21 B

Waiting on PG&E
The county guy told me he would do his best to get a release for 21 B. I heard nothing on Friday from PG&E or the County. I’m pretty sure they do not work on Mondays or Fridays. No one seems to. I’m just waiting…. I really don’t want to drive to Martinez again. Every time I go I think “Wahoo this is the last time I’m going to the Contra Costa Building Dept” But so far that is not true.
Septic Complete
In other news, my septic really is done and completed. Here is a certificate showing it!

I’m sure I’ll need to give that to the final inspector. Would you believe the inspector had me re-dig the holes to show I had put 1’ of concrete around the pipes! He didn’t believe me, and I had just backfilled them before he came! Not to mention, he told me, in this pressurized system over a large land area, I won’t see a rising bio-mass for around 10-15 years. It’s ridiculous.
Thea helped me backfill that and my sewer main out of my house. The less that draws attention to inspectors, the happier I will be

Sprint HotSpot
One fun thing I did this week was find an “almost-unlimited” data plan through the cell towers. Without cable going under the ground it’s my only option. Sprint had a 100gb plan for $60 that I took advantage of. The modem is a “coolpad surf”. Interestingly, I tested it at my home and these were the speeds:

I didn’t think it would work out. But when I tested it on the land….

That’s more than enough for what I need. And it’s portable! Not sure how the IPs change as I move from tower to tower. Some servers at work have IP – filtering.
Here’s hoping that this is the last week I don’t live in my home
The end of the tunnel is so close. Keep smiling.