How are the olive trees?
Before I get to it, people are asking “How are the olives doing?” Answer, They’re alive!
Don’t let this picture fool you… There are olive trees hidden out there.

Also, I picked the right crop for my life style. It turns out that Olive trees are very resilient. I had trouble getting the watering started back up after our trip to tonga. Due to that, some of them were not watered like they should have been.
However, once I started watering them again they came back to life!

Equipment needed for Farming 5 acres of olives
I had the Fire department give me two howlers like I’m Harry Potter.

They didn’t like how close my weeds were to the road, with the help of a friend I appeased them. But I needed a better plan, than hope.
This is my plan:
Lawn mower (purchased)
I have a Troy-bilt pony mower, that has been doing a lot of the work here. I’m really impressed with how well it works. Granted you have to go slow on full cuts and afterwards only do half cuts.

Tow behind Mower (need to get)
There are two kinds of these. There is a Flail mower or a brush hog

Once I have one, I’ll try it out on my lawn mower. If it is a successful setup, I may find a way to get a 4 wheeler that will tow it at a reasonable speed.
If anyone knows of a tow-behind mower, please let me know!
Tree pictures
Here are some more pictures of how my olive trees are doing. And a thought about them. These trees want to live. Even if they’ve been neglected, if I feed them with water and they get the sun they need. They will thrive. Even with thorny obnoxious weeds right next to them.
I think of that often when I’m thinking of people, or hobbies, or other things that have been ignored. I don’t need to apologize to my trees, just do better.

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